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Mapping Hong Kong film locations
Hong Kong Island 2/4 - Page 2
Author(s) : Gary Wong
Thomas Podvin
Date : 22/5/2010
Type(s) : Information
 Intext Links  
People :
Teddy Chen Tak Sum
Ekin Cheng Yee Kin
Jacky Cheung Hok Yau
Maggie Cheung Ho Yee
Lam Suet
Tang Wei
Movies :
Bodyguards And Assassins
Crossing Hennessy
Crossing Hennessy
Running Out Of Time 2
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Wan Chai --Wan Chai, a busy and modern commercial area, was once famous for its prostitution dens and night clubs. (Map of the area)

Info on the district can be found on the Home Affairs Department website.

Convention Plaza Apartments / 會景閣

Location: Convention Plaza Apartments, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai 會景閣 灣仔港灣道1號
Film: Running Out of Time 2 暗戰 2 (2001) / Dir: Johnnie To, Law Wing-cheong 杜琪峰,羅永昌

會 景閣毗鄰香港會議展覽中心,連接五星級的萬麗海景酒店,14-46樓為豪華服務式住宅。在電影《暗戰 2》(Running out of time 2) 中,俠盜 (鄭伊健 / Ekin Cheng) 曾與嗜賭的談判專家陳勁威 (林雪 / Lam Suet) 在會景閣的天台玩了一場驚心動魄的「擲公字」心理遊戲。

The Convention Plaza Apartments are adjacent to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre and are connected to the five-star Renaissance Harbour View Hotel.

Ekin Cheng and Lam Suet in Running Out of Time 2

In Running Out Of Time 2, the thief (Ekin Cheng) and Ken (Lam Suet), the negotiator who loves gambling, have a soul-stirring mind game tossing a coin on the roof of the Convention Plaza Apartments.


Here is the feel good theme song performed by Ekin Cheng, "Gam Jok Gam Wai - 敢作敢為"

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

No.6348, Hong Kong Cemetery / 香港墳場「6348」無字碑

The stele with no name for Yang Qu-yun 楊衢雲「無字碑」
Wong Nai Chong Road, Happy Valley 跑馬地黃泥涌道

Location: Hong Kong Cemetery, Happy Valley, Hong Kong Island 香港墳場「6348」無字碑
Film: Bodyguards and Assassins 十月圍城 (2009) / Dir: Teddy Chen 陳德森

香 港墳場,又稱為紅毛墳場,於1845年正式開放,為香港開埠早期成立的墳場之一。
置地創辦人 遮打 (Catchick Paul Chater)、當時的首富何東 (Robert Ho Tung) 與其元配麥秀英、
行政局及立法局華人議員何啟 (Ho Kai) 均葬於此。從墳場入口向右轉,一直行至盡頭,再沿石級往上走,
便會看見一塊鼎鼎大名的無字碑「6348」,在這塊碑下,埋葬了一位與孫中山 (Sun Yat-sen) 齊名,

興中會第一任會長楊衢雲 ( Yang Qu-yun )。楊氏參與過1895年的廣州起義及1900年的
惠州起義, 但兩次都以失敗告終。
1901年 1月10日,楊氏於其私塾的2樓寓所內被清廷派出之刺客陳林開槍刺殺,
這便是電影《十月圍城》(Bodyguards and Assassins) 片首那幕,片中的楊衢雲由張學友
(Jacky Cheung) 飾演。楊氏被殺後,港英政府為免開罪清廷,楊氏的下葬安排也只能低調。
以天圓地方概 念設計,刻有青天白日圖案,以象徵楊氏的革命精神。

The Hong Kong Cemetery is one of the early Christian cemeteries of Hong Kong. It was opened in 1845. In the beginning, the cemetery was uniquely for the burial of British and Japanese nationals. Since 1913, the burial of Chinese citizen was allowed in this cemetery. A lot of celebrities were buried here. Under an unnamed stele (6348) lays Yang Qu-Yun, the first president of the ‘Revive China’ Society. Yang participated in the Guangzhou uprising in 1895 and the Huizhou uprising in 1900. After the failure of both uprisings, Yang taught English in a private school at No.52 Gage Street. On 10th January 1901, he was murdered on the 2nd floor of the private school by an assassin sent by the Qing Court.
Why are we detailing this historical fact? This is the starting scene of Bodyguards and Assassins in which Jacky Cheung stars as Yang. To avoid offending the Qing court, the Hong Kong government ordered a low-profile burial for Yang. Yang’s friend buried him in this very Hong Kong cemetery.

The real Yang Qu-yun was assassinated there, 52 Gage Street, 楊衢雲被暗殺處 結志街52號

Data and photos provided by Gary Wong.

Hoover Tower 2, St. Francis Street /聖佛蘭士街海華苑二座

(click to enlarge)

Location: St. Francis Street, Wanchai, HONG KONG

Film: Crossing Hennessy 月滿軒尼詩 (2010) / Dir: Ivy Ho 岸西

是電影《月滿軒尼詩》(Crossing Hennessy) 張學友 (Loy / Jacky Cheung) 與張可頤 (Man-yu / Maggie Cheung) 盡訴心中情的場景。

In Crossing Hennessy, this is where Loy (Jacky Cheung) and Man-yu (Maggie Cheung Yo Hee) confess their feelings to each other.

Screen cap showing Jacky Cheung and Maggie Cheung Yo Hee discussing in front of Hoover Tower 2.
The building shown on the right side of the photo is Hoover Tower 2. The Hoover Tower 3 is at the opposite side.

Data provided by Gary Wong and Thomas Podvin. Photo by Gary Wong


Hennessey Road is one of the main roads of Wan Chai district, and splits it into two sections: The northern section is the newest and boasts high-end hotels and the international convention and exhibition center. The southern and oldest section consists mostly in old houses and various kinds of shops. The latter is where the film is set.
Actress Tang Wei lived more than two months there during production, spending the day preparing and shooting the scene, then eating at neighborhood restaurants in the evening.
In Crossing Hennessy, Loy (Jacky Cheung) and Oi-lin (Tang Wei) live in different sections of the road. The title of the film refers to the act of crossing the street as a mark of showing one’s feeling for the other. In the beginning, Loy is adamant and cannot cross to Oi-lin’s side of the road.

Sau Wah Fong

Location: Sau Wah Fong, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Film: Crossing Hennessy 月滿軒尼詩 (2010) / Dir: Ivy Ho 岸西

In Crossing Hennessy, this is where Man-yu (Maggie Cheung Yo Hee) walks Loy (Jacky Cheung) to his flat.

Click to enlarge

Screen caps showing the two characters of Crossing Hennessy walking on Sau Wah Fong, a street off St Francis St.

Data provided by Gary Wong and Thomas Podvin. Photo by Gary Wong


Photo © Google Maps

Location: 8 Ship Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong

Film: Crossing Hennessy 月滿軒尼詩 (2010) / Dir: Ivy Ho 岸西

Ship Street starts from Johnston Road and crosses Queen's Road East. This is a featured street in Hong Kong and a venue for several films.
In Crossing Hennessy, this is where Loy (Jacky Cheung) and Oi-lin (Tang Wei) walk together toward Johnston Road, on their way to Hennessy Road. Oi-lin is pushed by a passer-by and drops her bag and books.

Screen cap of the two character spending quality time together.

Data provided by Thomas Podvin.

Honolulu Coffee Shop / 檀島咖啡餅店

Location: Wanchai, HONG KONG
Film: Crossing Hennessy 月滿軒尼詩 (2010) / Dir: Ivy Ho 岸西

是電影《月滿軒尼詩》(Crossing Hennessy) 張學友與湯唯經常相約光顧的餐廳。這裡以蛋撻馳名,每天可賣出數千件。

In Crossing Hennessy this is a restaurant where Loy (Jacky Cheung) and Oi-lin (Tang Wei) like come to to chat over a cup of tea and an egg tart. The house specialties include egg tarts/custard pies sold by the thousands daily.

Data and photo provided by Gary Wong.

Screen cap showing the film character inside the real Honolulu Coffee Shop


google map
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